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Commercial longlife Weedmat

Taylor Built by Redpath Weedmat is manufactured from a tough woven commercial grade polypropylene. This heavy-duty fabric weighs between 100 – 105 grams per m2 and is U.V stabilised. Widths are 1.2m, 2m, 3.66m, and an ultra-wide 5.25m
1000s of customer use Taylor Built by Redpath black Weedmat in their commercial businesses or around the home.
Taylor Built by Redpath weed matting has high UV resistance and may be left exposed to the sun, although covering the weed mat with bark, scoria, or plantings etc. will further protect the weed mat from the sunshine and extend its overall service life.

The construction of this Weedmat with its woven intersecting strands blocks light to the ground preventing most weeds from growing.  The woven design also makes the weed mat naturally permeable to air and allows the soil beneath to “breath” which assists in the reduction of fungal growths in the soil beneath and reduces the likelihood of the soil going sour.
Taylor Built by Redpath Weedmat is porous to water and essential nutrients allowing them to travel through the fabric to your plants roots. At the same time the porosity is designed to slow the release of moisture away from the soil caused by wind or solar energy.

Using Taylor Built by Redpath UV stablised weedmat will promote healthier plants, a cleaner landscape and save you valuable time and cost of on-going weed spraying and day to day general maintenance of planted or landscaped areas. Our weedmat is easily secured to the ground using the 125mm or 225mm cost effective ground pins listed below in the shopping cart, you will receive an on-line purchase discount when using the secure cart.
Taylor Built by Redpath weed mat is used extensively for commercial applications in Nursery Industries, Orcharding, Roading and Landscaping, General Horticulture, Councils, Institutions or simply around the home. Widths & efficient roll lengths.
The 2m, 3.66m and 5.25m widths are folded in half for efficient freight delivery around New Zealand.

Taylor Built by Redpath Weedmat and staples sizes 

  • Weedmat 1.2m wide x 50m   

  • Weedmat 2m wide x 50m length roll, folded in half

  • Weedmat 3.66mm wide x 50m length roll, folded in half

  • Weedmat 5.25m wide x 50m length roll, folded in half

  • Weed staples 225mm, pack of 50 or 200 price is shown below

  • Weed staples 130mm, pack of 50 or 200 price is shown below


Weed mat galvanised retaining ground staples are also stocked in two sizes 130mm and 225mm lengths. Use the longer staples in loose soils or high wind areas. You can purchase the staples in each size in lots of 50s or 200s; – Allow around 1.5 -2 staples per m2 of covered area. 

100-gsm-weed-mat by Redpath | Palmerston North


  • 1.2m width x 50m roll $79.70

  • 2m width x 50m roll $105.00

  • 3.66m width x 50m roll $192.00

  • 5.25m width x 50m roll $261.00

weedstaples by Redpath | Palmerston North
Weedmat Staples
  • 5″(130mm) x pack of 50 $13.23

  • 5″(130mm) x box of 200 $28.46

  • 9″(225mm) x pack of 50 $18.40     

  • 9″(225mm) x box of 200 $39.56

Taylor Built by Redpath Greenhouses
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